Bactrian Camel Facts

Camels are a member of the Camelid family.  The Camelid family also includes Alpacas, Llamas, and Vicunas.  At Stoneboat Farm Exotics, we raise Bactrian Camels!   These two hump camels are far more rare than Dromedary camels.  Their numbers are reported to be under 1,000 left in the wild.  The breed originated in North America, but can be found in the wild only in Mid-East Asia in the high deserts.

The Bactrian Camel adapted to this harsh envirnment in several ways.  They have two sets of eyelashes to help keep blowing sand from their eyes.  They also have nostrils that can completely shut to keep from inhaling sand and dust.  Their feet consist of two large toes and a callused pad.  This large pad allows them to walk on top of sand and also keeps them from damaging the environment while they walk.  Bactrian Camels also grow a long coat of dense fleece during the winter months to help keep them warm.  Unlike the Alpacas and Llamas that need to be shorn in the spring, the bactrian Camel sheds its fleece in the late spring to help keep it cool during the hot summer months.  Bactrian Camels are the only animals in the world that are able to elevate their blood temperature during a cold evening then lower the temperature during the days to help keep them cool.